Specific orientation "coronavirus"
15 May-31 Dec 2020 PARIS (France)


“1HEALTH” Major Area of Interest (DIM)

The Major Areas of Interest (DIM) initiated by the Île-de-France region are a flagship scheme that aims to unify the laboratory networks located in Île-de-France by acting upon targeted accredited areas. In December 2016, the Île-de-France region accepted the financing of the 1HEALTH Major Area of Interest project, whose goal is to build a solid “One Health” infectiology network, unique in France and with European scope, in order to respond to public health challenges. One of its main goals is the development of new concepts in the areas of vaccinology, anti-infective therapy, diagnostics and the integration of social and economic considerations in health.


Different research stakeholders have asked an adaptation of this tender over time and allow the teams to respond better given the current confinement. Also, the DIM1HEALTH scientific council took the decision to extend the filing date of the call for tenders to May 15, 2020. Faced with the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, the DIM1HEALTH SC decided to reserve at least 20% of the budget (€ 500k) in priority for research on the fight against coronaviruses for this new tender with a strong endowment (€ 2.5M).

This call for tenders will be linked to the REACTING network coordinating and defining research priorities on Covid-19(https://reacting.inserm.fr)


PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT HERE: https://dim1health2020p.sciencescall.org/




DIM Managing institutions


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